Aunt Lollie and baby Jake

Aunt Lollie and baby Jake
I can't wait to be a Grandma!!!


Monday, November 21, 2011

Debenham Doings

Just thought I would fill everybody in on what is going on at my house...

...boys are in mourning that the Reinhards decided to stay in Provo for Turkeyday...but their grief is lessened by the fact that Sierra appeared in all her shlepped-from-Provo-to-St. George-to-Vegas-on-the-shuttle glory last night. She quickly had us all in stitches and kept the boys up til way past their bedtime hacking Mom's facebook page.

Doug is coming to terms with Lila bringing home a boy for Thanksgiving. His name is David. They just met. She says it isn't serious at all, he just needs a place to go for t-day as his family is all in North Carolina. Doug is the dad who finds it difficult to believe there is a boy on the planet wonderful enough for any of his daughters...let alone the youngest. He has taken to calling the poor kid, "Hippie".

Lollie is contemplating the virtues of serving a pregnant turkey two years in a row. Of course, everybody will be in on the joke except the poor new kid. Brennan has proactively requested the honor of being in charge of the bird. Mom may have to roast a cornish game hen in secret and stealthfully slip it in the cavity when Bren isn't looking. How much basting does a pomegranite glazed turkey need? He'll have to tinkle some time.

Thanksgiving is an important holiday any year but somehow it doesn't seem quite as wonderful as DECEMBER 8TH!!! Upon which ospitious date the elusive sister Rachael will return to the realm in which her mama can actually SPEAK TO HER!!!

Yes I have a burning testimony. I also have missed my baby like crazy. How on earth does God expect women to haul their children around for 9 tourturous months, do everything remotely possible for them for 18 years, if they are daughters...experience a friendship like no other from the moment they hit maturity (which for Rach was about 4 1/2) and then NOT EVEN TALK TO HER FOR 18 MONTHS? I believe I have handled it rather well. I only break down in sobs and curl up in a fetal position twice a week.

Her talk-in-church-no-longer-to-be-referred-to-as-homecoming-address will be December 18. I expect every last one of you to attend. Bring chocolate.

I can't really think of anything else of interest. Sam's latest book has an intreging title. "Vampire Baby". It is beyond hilarious.

Bren and Em have been house hunting in our neck of the woods. It is completely unfair to get a Lollie Mama's hopes up...but they are doing it. Hope springs eternal for mommies.

So far I have one christmas tree up. I have two more in storage and Sierra insists we get a real one too. I plan on thouroughly enjoying having all eight of my children home for Christmas!!!!!