Aunt Lollie and baby Jake

Aunt Lollie and baby Jake
I can't wait to be a Grandma!!!


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Day 81 Without Television...but still have MOVIES!!!

Last night Doug and I were sitting on the couch. We weren't watching anything but our little boys running up and down the stairs in a frantic game of tag/hide-and-seek. I turned to him and said, "You realize if Sponge Bob still was in our home, we wouldn't be doing this."
He commented on how glad he was I agreed to it. I told him I have something to occupy my brain and it makes a difference. Most of our marriage I've been up to my ears in diapers, midnight feedings, and other brainless activity. Not that most tv isn't. And I really miss some things. Not enough to give up.

I've decided to rent and watch every version of A Christmas Carol ever made. So far I've watched Mr. Magoo's and the one from the fifties. Both were amazing. I'm starting to know the lines by heart. It is such a great story.

1 comment:

The Roaming Rolfe's said...

You inspire me! I can't do it! TV is my 'out'. Enjoy the movies!!!