Aunt Lollie and baby Jake

Aunt Lollie and baby Jake
I can't wait to be a Grandma!!!


Sunday, December 20, 2009

December 20th On our way home...

You don't really appreciate the torture of coach until you've flown in first class. Doug and I are taking turns flying coach. I would much rather just stay together. So I wrote him a poem about it:


I'd rather not sit in a first class seat
if it means to sit alone
Surrounded by persons who may very well
be made of solid stone
Give me a seat that is by your side
wherever that may be
In coach or in a crowded car
or a sailboat on a sea
Or maybe the buckboard of a simple
solid covered wagon
or on the back of a motor bike with
a rack to tie my bag on
Give me a place beside you while
we push our own handcart
I'll lean into it, do my best to
help and do my part
But do not put me in first class
while you are back in coach
It makes me feel as selfish and as
lonely as a roach
and don't sit me in coach while you
are flying in first class
sit beside me. Be my lad and I will
be your lass
I will follow you wherever
you think we should go
through the winds and rain and ice and
blowing flakes of snow
All I ask is that we both arrive there
safe, together
Stepping close and standing strong
no matter what the weather
When we travel, be my presh
remember this one thing
when you treat me like a queen
you'll always be my king

1 comment:

Tina said...

We flew (from the east coast) on separate FLIGHTS to Hawaii . . . . only had one short leg together. In a way it was great (got to read a lot) and in a way it sucked . . . . (excuse the French!!!)